Digital wireless microphone system
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- Sinbosen audio
- Issue Time
- Oct 28,2019
The digital age has been integrated into our daily lives. The digital wireless microphone system is slowly entering our lives. So why choose a digital wireless system?1, excellent sound quality2. Compander(variable)3. Longer battery life4. Better Spectrum efficiency

The digital age has been integrated into our daily lives. We use GPS navigation instead of looking at the map. The exchange contact is not written down but recorded on the mobile phone. We use the Internet to find information at home instead of going to the library to flip the book. There are other things like online shopping, mobile payments, and, another example is that you are reading this article on your mobile phone or computer.. These are the conveniences brought to us by the digital age.
Audio is no exception, and it won't go backwards. The digital wireless microphone system is slowly entering our lives. So why choose a digital wireless system?

1, excellent sound quality
Digital wireless systems provide high-quality clear audio. This is largely because digital wireless systems do not have a "Compander " ,which is a circuit that reduces noise and maximizes dynamic range for all analog wireless microphone systems. in the analog system, The audio signal is first compressed via the transmitter to adapt to the limited dynamic range of the FM transmission and then expand in the receiver.
The process of compression and expansion, although relatively small in most good analog systems, there are some artificially audible sounds (like Wheezing effect) that make the sound of a wireless microphone slightly different from that of a wired microphone. Since the use of digital wireless microphones, the transmission of audio signals no longer requires compander, and the received signals restore the precise characteristics of the original audio.
2. Compander(variable)
A digital wireless system that make the entire audible audio range with a flat frequency response curve.
The digital wireless system converts the analog audio into a digital signal by modulating the radio carrier in several steps. The digital audio signal arrives at the receiver without being affected by electromagnetic noise. Any RF noise below the threshold will not affect the audio quality. The receiver simply ignores anything that is not 1 or 0. All others are discarded and only digital signals are identified.
3. Longer battery life
Typically, electronic wireless microphone systems have a 30%-40% longer battery life than the same analog system.
4. Better Spectrum efficiency
By allowing tighter channel spacing, digital wireless wireless systems can use more the effective compatible frequencies simultaneously in a certain frequency band. This feature is especially important in the increasingly crowded UHF TV band operated by many wireless microphones. With manufacturers and models, digital wireless systems typically deliver twice the available frequency than the same analog system wireless system.
Sum :Digital systems may require 10%-20% more budget than analog systems. Nonetheless: digital wireless systems can provide features not available in analog systems, including advanced battery technology, extended runtime, more wireless broadcast frequencies, encryption technology, and external interference detection.
●True diversity ● Long Transmit Distance ● Clean Sound